SW Design School, L3C; also known as SW Design School, LLC is approved to operate our National Apprenticeship programs throughout the United States of America. We also have a Michigan license to operate a non-degree-granting Priorpietory Trade School.
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act provides training dollars to eligible participants through this Workforce system. In general, training providers must be on the state’s Eligible Training Provider list and meet minimum performance results for earnings and employment to help ensure these federal dollars are well spent.
SW Design School, L3C; also known as SW Design School, LLC is approved to receive WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) dollars in various states. Please contact our office for the updated list of participants’ states.
Who is Eligible?
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act workforce funds dollars flow through three existing funding streams:
- WIOA Adult, for low-income residents in general.
- WIOA Dislocated Worker, for people who have been laid off.
- WIOA Youth, for at-risk young people ages 16-24.
These funds come with the same eligibility requirements and restrictions as regular WIOA funds, but expand their flexibility or reinforce their focus in several key areas:
- Funds can be used to purchase classes at local community and technical colleges or other training providers, instead of being restricted to training vouchers that recipients take to the training provider of their choice. This helps build additional capacity in the training system, boosting the number of students that can be served at one time.
- The Recovery Act requires summer employment opportunities for young people.
- Age guidelines have been adjusted upward so that youth are eligible through age 24 instead of age 21
Who is eligible to receive Career Center services?
Anyone can come into a local Career Center and access the Information Center, review job postings, or attend workshops. For adults or dislocated workers in need of additional services, there are three types of services:
- Core services include initial assessment, job search, and placement assistance, and career counseling.
- Intensive services include in-depth assessment, counseling, and career planning, and pre-vocational services for unemployed individuals unable to obtain jobs through core services, as well as employed individuals needing additional training services to reach self-sufficiency.
- Training services are available to those who are eligible for intensive services but have been
unable to obtain employment through those services. The dislocated worker program assists workers displaced by disasters, mass layoffs, or plant closures to regain economic security. Core services are provided to return individuals to work as quickly as possible.