For State funds (Workforce Investment Boards or Career OneStop in Your Area)
1. Call your local Career One Stop. We are a National Apprenticeship program. If your State is not listing our school, inform them to contact our office to start the process of adding our school to their list, it’s a very simple process.
2. Schedule an appointment for the next WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) orientation. (This is STEP 1)
3. Make sure your resume is on the Talent Banks for your State. (Not applicable in all States)
4. Be sure to bring your ID, Proof of /or lack of income, Social Security Card, and let them know if you are receiving any State assistance. This also helps with finding additional funds to help you.
5. Let them know you are there to apply for tuition assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
6. Make all appointments. You will be tested and must have a minimum 8th-grade education to enroll in any of our courses.
Contact your case manager and let them know that you are interested in any of our courses.
1. You must score a 6th Grade Average on the TABE test for the State that you are applying in.
2. We will be responsible for all time-card requirements.
3. A computer will be received at P.A.T.H. location.
4. All classes are ONLINE
Contact your career coach and let them know that you are interested in any of our courses.
1. You must score a 6th Grade average on the TABE test or have a High School Diploma.
2. Follow the requirements of the program.
3. We are responsible for any and all time-sheet requirements.
4. A computer will be mailed to your home.
5. All classes are online.